Why is Machine Safeguarding Necessary For Your Workplace?

Did you know that every year, thousands of workers suffer from serious injuries or even fatalities while operating machinery?

That's why it's crucial for employers to implement machine-safeguarding measures to protect their workers from harm.

In this short blog, I'll explain how machine safeguarding can not only be a great cost saver for your workplace in the long term but also necessary from a legal and safety standpoint.

How Does Machine Safeguarding Prevent Workplace Injuries?

casted hand - protect your hand by machine safeguarding

Machine safeguarding involves creating physical barriers and safety devices that prevent workers from coming into contact with hazardous areas and moving machinery during operation.

Dangers that machine safeguarding can protect against include…

  • Moving Machine Parts
  • Robotics
  • Heavy Equipment
  • Falling Debris
  • Splatter
  • Dangerous Areas
  • And More

Adding a machine safeguarding barrier between your workers and these types of dangerous equipment is not only important but is a necessary step to keep workers safe.

So, what happens when machine safeguarding isn’t properly deployed?

Not having properly deployed machine safeguarding can lead to certain types of injuries such as…

  • Amputations
  • Crushed limbs
  • Blindness
  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • And Fatalities 

One workplace injury can be a potential nightmare for any business so it’s always important to think ahead and protect your workers!

Types of Machine Safeguarding

Types of machine safeguarding you may need in your workplace could possibly include…

  • Adjustable guards - Can be manually changed to adjust for height or angles. 
  • Fixed guards - Remain permanently locked to the machinery. 
  • Interlocked guards - Can pause machine operations when moved.
  • Self adjusted guards - automatically adjust on machine operated movement. 

Machine safeguarding can be adapted based on your equipment needs to make safety a top priority. 

Legal Requirements of Machine Safeguarding

Machine safeguarding is a legal requirement in Canada and an OSHA safety requirement in the United States. 

OSHA states that one or more methods of machine safeguarding must be used to protect operators and other employees from hazards, including those created by point of operation, nip points, rotating parts, flying chips and sparks. 

Machine safeguarding is a legal requirement because it reduces the likelihood of accidents occurring as a result of mechanical failure, human error, electrical failure or poor design.

Reducing Liability Costs With Machine Safeguarding

Having a workplace accident/incident can be a nightmare easily avoided with machine safeguarding.

Direct liability costs can include 

  • Workers compensation payments
  • Medical expenses
  • Legal fees and services
  • And More.

Not only can a worker accident be a liability nightmare in terms of costs, but it’s also bad publicity and impacts your worker morale directly. So it’s very important to plan ahead!

Machine Safeguarding Improves Workplace Moral

Workplace safety is very important for worker morale and productivity. 

Workers who feel safe around heavy and potentially dangerous equipment will be more productive and feel more confident in their working environment. 

Not only does machine safeguarding make workers feel safe, but having less workplace accidents and fewer injuries means businesses are more likely to meet revenue goals and important quotas. 

A study by Lockheed Martin found that safe and happy workforce can improve productivity by up to 24%!



Machine safeguarding is an important and necessary investment for your workplace.

You’ll deal with less injuries and costly liabilities, and have improved workplace morale and save money in the long-term. 

Tri-Star Automation has years of experience in machine safeguarding and has worked with several facilities across the U.S and Canada. Tri-Star Automation frequently helps companies in the steel, aerospace, chemical and agriculture industries.

If you’re looking to deploy machine safeguarding into your workplace contact Tri-Star Automation for more information.
